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This report analyses the gate fees charged for a range of waste treatment, recovery and disposal options as reported by local authorities.

Key points

  • Data gathering for this gate fee survey was conducted in December 2017 and January 2018, collecting data for the calendar year 2017.
  • The survey targeted three main stakeholder groups: local authorities, private sector operators of waste management facilities, and senior managers of large waste management companies
WRAP's annual gate fees report is now in its 11th year. The report summarises a survey which covers gate fees charged to local authorities in the UK for a range of municipal waste recycling, recovery, treatment and disposal options, for the calendar year 2017. Some commercial gate fees are also reported, which have been provided by organic waste treatment facilities.
The aim of this report is to increase price transparency and, by improving the flow of information, improve efficiency in the waste management market. A lack of market information may reduce a local authority’s ability to make informed decisions on waste management options. The publication of indicative gate fee information, such as this, should assist authorities in making better informed decisions regarding waste management options.

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  • WRAP Gate Fees report 2018

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