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Somerset Waste Partnership (SWP) is a two tier partnership, established in 2007 to manage waste services on behalf of its six partners. The SWP combines waste service functions under a single joint committee of Councillors and is responsible for the management of kerbside collections, recycling centres and disposal sites, awarding a single county-wide collection contract.


Although there was a history of working together, and a consistency of service was starting to develop over time, implementing a single contract has meant that a cost effective comprehensive recycling collection service is available to all households. SWP has achieved consistency in: materials collected, containment, frequency of collection, service rules and communications to householders.

Benefits are extensive, including efficiency savings of over £1.5M per annum, increased recycling rates, high levels of satisfaction, increased resources, and good quality materials.

It is considered that the significant benefits of consistent services across a jointly served area make it worthwhile to make the effort to agree a joint approach to service delivery. Solutions are sought that benefit all partners, but also accommodate local distinctness where necessary without negating the benefits of joint working

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  • Consistency in household recycling collections in Somerset

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