A WRAP study into the composition and re-use potential of household bulky textiles found that of all bulky waste in the UK around 19% (310,000 tonnes) consists of textiles.

Non-clothing textiles include:

  • mattresses, 
  • soft furnishings,
  • carpets,
  • rugs,
  • underlay, and
  • leisure textiles (tents, tarpaulins etc).

A WRAP study into the composition and re-use potential of household bulky textiles found that of all bulky waste in the UK around 19% (310,000 tonnes) consists of textiles. At HWRCs nearly 30% of these textiles are estimated to be re-usable. A much lower proportion of textiles collected through bulky waste collections at the kerbside were assessed as re-usable (less than 10%).

The WRAP study also found that:

  • 56% of all mattresses disposed of at HWRCs had visible fire safety labels. 
  • Over 25% of all mattresses were assessed as being very clean.
  • Around 20% of carpet at HWRCs was assessed through visual assessment as very clean and suitable for re-use and nearly 30% was heavily soiled and so unsuitable for re-use.

The quantity of mattresses and carpets in bulky waste presents an opportunity to divert large tonnages of waste from disposal. Another study into the viability of collecting non-clothing textiles found that collecting carpets, mattresses and pillows for re-use and recycling can be financially viable. The report details the market options for these materials.



Non-clothing textiles