This study summarises research undertaken to estimate the potential to achieve a municipal recycling rate of 65%.

Executive summary

The adoption of the Circular Economy Package (CEP) across the UK will require greater ambition in managing resources and increasing recycling performance. WRAP previously supported DAERA on analyses of household recycling designed to understand potential increases in household recycling and also helped deliver a range of support initiatives on the ground in Northern Ireland to improve recycling performance.

The broader scope of municipal waste following the revisions to the Waste Framework Directive instigated by the adoption of CEP now means that the arisings from a wider range of businesses and public sector organisations are to be included in future recycling targets.

The aim of this research was to answer whether Northern Ireland could achieve the 65% municipal waste recycling rate. The outputs will support DAERA’s policy development on this aspect.

The supplementary objectives were to consider:

  • The cost to the different sectors now included within the definition
  • Where contributions are needed to help meet the target
  • The recycling potential from each sector
  • The optimum approach to achieve high recycling but also relieve the cost burden on sectors and sub-sectors now in scope?

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  • Municipal recycling potential in Northern Ireland 2020

    PDF, 2.07 MB

