Spain is a major sourcing area for fresh produce and other commodities consumed in the UK, accounting for over 20% of our imports of fruit and vegetables. In a recent report published by The PRI and WWF, 12% of Spain’s cropland was found to be at high water risk, demonstrating that our reliance on Spanish products also exposes UK supply chains to some significant water risks.

Southern Spain, particularly Doñana National Park, is a key growing area for strawberries and other fruit . Outside of the UK growing season, up to 50% of the UK’s imports (by value) of strawberries are known to come from this region.

Water Ambition project Clearly, the UK’s food and drink industry is heavily reliant on Spanish produce, and subsequently exposed to varying levels of water risk. As a result, the Water Ambition will include a project in Spain which will seek to build on existing initiatives already underway in Spain as well as seeking to expand into new areas of work.

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Food and drink