Hospitality and food service

Our areas of work

We work with the hospitality and food service sector in the areas of food and drink and plastics

WRAP's vision of a world in which resources are used sustainably is central to our work with businesses in these sectors.

Guardians of Grub is our flagship food waste reduction campaign for the sector, and is suitable for all types and sizes of organisation. It includes free tools, guidance, skills development and campaign assets.

We also convene hospitality and food service companies and work towards common targets under the Courtauld Commitment and The UK Plastics Pact.

We also work with the sector under the UK Food Waste Reduction Roadmap, helping food businesses take targeted action to reduce waste in their own operations, their supply chain and from consumers in support of the UN's Sustainable Development Goal 12.3.

What is WRAP doing?

Guardians of Grub

Guardians of Grub

Our flagship food waste reduction campaign for the sector, for all types and sizes of organisation.

Find out more
UK Food and Drink Pact

The Courtauld Commitment 2030

Our voluntary agreement helps sector organisations to deliver a more sustainable food system.

Find out more
UK Food and Drink Pact: Food Waste Reduction Roadmap

Food Waste Reduction Roadmap

The UK's largest retailers, food producers and manufacturers, and hospitality and food service companies have committed to 'Target, Measure, Act' on food waste.

Find out more
Hospitality and food service

Plastics and Packaging

We understand that plastic packaging plays an important role in the foodservice industry. However, we know that many of the plastic items used in the sector are single use making them problematic. Especially as many are not captured for recycling, finding their way into general waste and into landfill or incineration or even worse, littered, meaning they pollute our natural environment.

Take action
The UK Plastics Pact

The UK Plastics Pact

The UK Plastic Pact has four targets to 2025 each working towards our vision of a world where plastic is valued and doesn’t pollute the environment. Taking actions which work towards these targets and embedding sustainable practices into your operation is the best thing you can do to tackle plastic waste in your business.

Discover more

Key resources for the hospitality and food service sector

  • Hospitality and food service sector action plan

    What the sectoir needs to achieve in food waste reduction to ahieve the Courtauld targets and UN Sustainable Development Goal 12.3.

  • Food Waste Reduction Roadmap Progress Report 2020

  • The Courtauld Commitment Annual Report 2021

  • Overview of waste in the hospitality and food service sector

  • Eliminating problem plastics

    Read our report which highlights the single-use problematic and unnecessary plastics to be eliminated

  • The true cost of waste in hospitality and food service

  • Hospitality and food service

    WRAP and UK food businesses have agreed some common guidelines for measuring and reporting on food surplus and waste, consistent with the global Food Loss and Waste Accounting and Reporting Standard.

  • Essential reading for food service businesses thinking of switching to compostable plastics. Giving advice on the six feasible options for use.