WRAP’s recycling tracker provides insights into UK citizen’s attitudes towards recycling as well as a greater understanding of their recycling related behaviours. It is an annual survey of UK citizens that gathers evidence on recycling attitudes, knowledge, and behaviour. It is the largest and longest running of its kind, having been undertaken by WRAP since 2004.

Fieldwork was undertaken online in March 2022. A total of 4,027 interviews were undertaken with UK adults with responsibility for dealing with the rubbish and recycling in the home. The sample matches the known profile of the population, with quotas set on age, gender, region, social class and ethnicity.

The tracker results demonstrate a number of key findings about recycling behaviour:

  • Recycling is a normalised behaviour - 90% of UK citizens regularly recycle.
  • There is evidence of improvement following campaigns by Recycle Now.
  • However, Over half (52%) still miss opportunities to recycle common items from home.
  • Almost nine in ten (84%) dispose of an item in the recycling that is not accepted. 
  • The top barrier to recycling items correctly is uncertainty. 
  • Overall, UK citizens dispose of 5.6 items incorrectly on average – a significant improvement on 2021 (6.2 items).  

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  • Recycling Tracker Report Spring 2022.pd

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