Since 2019, WRAP has been providing support to partner authorities in Hampshire as part of Project Integra. Project Integra was established in 1995 to provide an integrated approach to the collection, treatment and disposal of waste in Hampshire.

The project involves 11 waste collection authorities, 2 unitary authorities, Hampshire County Council and Veolia Hampshire, the integrated waste management contractor.

Recycling rates have been stagnating across all of Hampshire’s collection authorities for a number of years. The county overall is in the lower half of England’s recycling league table, with collection authority recycling rates ranging from 27% to 44% in 2020/21.

With restricting council budgets, the partner authorities of Project Integra have been working together, planning improved, cost effective waste collection and disposal services that will align with the Government’s Resources and Waste Strategy and Environment Act.

WRAP initially carried out high level modelling of a range of collection scenarios that could deliver improved performance and greater consistency across Hampshire. Further detailed modelling and options appraisals were then undertaken and a ‘preferred collection option’ was identified.

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  • WRAP supports Hampshire Collection Options Modelling

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