WRAP's Monitoring and Evaluation Guidance covers monitoring and evaluation of:

  • local recycling and composting collection services / schemes;
  • re-use schemes, for example furniture and waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) re-use or reusable bag schemes;
  • waste prevention schemes including nappy schemes, unwanted mail and food waste prevention initiatives; and
  • communications campaigns and outreach activities.

In terms of waste prevention and re-use activities, Chapter 9 provides relevant information for monitoring specific activities including:

  • Love Food Hate Waste
  • Composting
  • Unwanted mail
  • Nappies

Monitoring and Evaluation Guidance (links to each chapter)

Chapter 1 – Introduction to monitoring and evaluation

Chapter 2 – Planning monitoring and evaluating the results

Chapter 3 – Sampling

Chapter 4 – Monitoring awareness, claimed behaviour and satisfaction

Chapter 5 – Monitoring scheme usage, participation and uptake

Chapter 6 – Monitoring quantities diverted

Chapter 7 – Monitoring capture rates

Chapter 8 – Monitoring contamination

Chapter 9 – Monitoring waste reduction

Chapter 10 – Monitoring communications campaigns
