Working at all stages from farm to fork to improve efficiency and productivity, minimise waste, protect natural assets and reduce global warming.​

  • It is widely recognised that meat production is a significant source of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and 400,000 tonnes of meat is wasted in the UK every year, mostly at home.​
  • Meat in a Net Zero World aims to make the UK meat industry a world-leading example of efficient and sustainable meat production and supply.​

Progress and highlights 2021-22

Actions taken this year by Courtauld 2030, including Food Waste Reduction Roadmap businesses, include:

  • Producer and processor signatories of Courtauld 2030 show a year-on-year reduction in reported waste levels*​
  • The number of reporting sites has increased by approx. 33% in the past year*.​
  • Increased support and sponsorship for WRAP’s Food Waste Action Week.​
  • Reducing Category 3 waste levels through upgrading to Category 1.​

Actions taken this year on citizen food waste include:

  • WRAP has commissioned in-depth citizen research, last conducted at this scale nearly ten years ago.​
  • The latest iteration of ongoing research from WRAP shows that meat waste in the home, using chicken as a proxy, remains fairly steady, although economic circumstances may be expected to lead to a reduction.

*Based on businesses who submitted data as of 31st August 2022.

Join us

Meat in a Net Zero World supporters who are also Courtauld 2030 signatories have access to three working groups which focus on addressing barriers and driving action towards the targets:​

  • Livestock & Feed​
  • Hospitality and Food Service Meat Waste Reduction​
  • Halving Meat Waste at Home.
Find out more and join Courtauld 2030

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  • Meat in a Net Zero world Annual Progress Summary 2021-22

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